Breaking the paradigm of being perfect and doing what you want

Shruti Singhal
Shruti Singhal
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2019


OMG(Oh My God) what did I just say!? What will they think about me ?? Why do I do this always?I always do everything wrong.I don’t know anything.Look at them,they are perfect and look at me,I’m a mess!

Did you say any of this to yourself at least once?I’m sure we all have.

The real fact is,everyone is a mess. We humans portray ourselves as the most perfect beings on Earth,keeping all our mistakes locked inside a cupboard. The reason we do this is because of our inability to accept them ourselves,leave alone worrying about other’s judgement.

We can’t accept our weaknesses or flaws or vulnerabilities because we feel comfortable calling ourselves weak or less able in order to avoid doing things that make us feel queasy.Those ‘queasy’ things are exactly what the sub-conscious mind wants us to do.

The belief of wanting to be perfect is a self-fulfilling prophecy.As it is well said,”It’s all in the head.”When we believe we have to be perfect ,then we try to fulfill it by trying to perfect everything. Sometimes,when things actually go the way we wanted,it feels as if the whole world is in our control! But when sometimes unexpected things happen,we are reluctant to take responsibility.Instead,we blame all the other things around us and complain how nothing is fair.

We have to learn to embrace those mistakes sometimes and take out the moral.I’m not saying that we should purposely make mistakes and search for lessons learnt! What I mean to say about mistakes is not to regret and treat yourself with contempt, but to see what you can do better the next time and you know most of the time,we are our best teachers! And each mistake leads us closer and closer to perfection.My Physics teacher in high school used to say,”You can never be perfectly perfect,but you can be very close to perfection.”

Most of the inventions that have ever taken place in history are because of mistakes! Just think if those mistakes hadn’t occurred,many things wouldn’t have existed on this planet.Mistakes are meant to be made by humans.You aren’t a human if you haven’t made a mistake in your whole life. I hope humans are also reading this article.

This is my first article on my new blog,and yes,it isn’t perfect!But with every article it will just get better and better!

Thanks for reading!



Shruti Singhal
Shruti Singhal

Write when the heart tells you to.. I write poems too :)